Our experience in urban and rural land use projects, our familiarity with local, state, and federal regulatory agencies, and our interdisciplinary project management style (which draws upon the strengths of our diverse and highly experienced associates) provide you with confidence that your project will be effectively and efficiently managed and represented.
- Single-family residences
- Estate homes
- Beach-front homes
- Ranch homes
- Second-dwelling units
- Additions to and renovations of existing homes
- Mobile homes as temporary housing
- Disaster replacement
- Multi-family residences
- Caretakers’ residences
- Private sewage disposal systems
- Access Roads
- Swimming Pools
- Sports Courts
- Retail Facilities
- Office Space
- Storage Facilities
- Public Buildings
- Parks & Recreational Facilities
- Resorts
- Communication Towers and Facilities
- Vineyards
- Livestock raising and fencing plans
- Gaming ranches
- Commercial Fruit Production
- Equestrian Facilities
Lot Legality
- Chain of Title analysis
- Certificates of Compliance
- Subdivisions
- Lot Line Adjustments
Violation Resolution
- Code Violations
- Cease and Desist Orders
- Restoration Orders
Analysis and Reporting
- Development Feasibility Analyses for project site
- Easement analyses, delineations, negotiations, and agreements
- Line of Sight/Visual Impact Analyses
- Archaeological Assessments and Reports
Development Agreements
- Preparation and negotiation of development agreements
Forward Land Use Planning
- Local Coastal Program (LCP) Analyses
- Zoning Amendments
- Trails Development
- Legislation analyses and proposals
- Lobbying of agency staff and elected officials on proposed updates to General Plans, SEA map, ESHA designations, and Zoning Ordinance
Public Hearing Presentations
- California Coastal Commission
- Local Planning Commissions
- Local Environmental Review Boards
- City Council